How YOU can write killer README’s
You’re finally done with your project and ready to push it to your GitHub. Then you realize that you need to create a README file. You don’t what makes a good one, but you’ve seen good ones on big projects like React and Visual Studio Code.
How do you make a good README? Using this site.
Using to create README files is an awesome website that I recently found out you can use to create great READMEs for your GitHub repositories. It is also completely free!
You can use the list of sections to the left of to add various sections to the README. You can drag them into the sections and edit them however you wish.
Some of the sections they offer are Title and Description, Badges, Lessons Learned, Appendix, API Reference, Usage/Examples, Run Locally, and much more!
To edit a specific section of the README, click on the section from the left side and start editing! You can also drag different sections into different areas of the README (i.e. putting the Environment Variables before putting Run Locally)
Once your done writing your README, you can hit the green download button, download your README, and there you go! You have your fully fledged README file in all of its glory
To Summarize
Using is a quick, efficient, and effective way to create a README file for you GitHub repository
That’s it for me today. Thanks for reading! 😊
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